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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Educating Rita Essay
How does Willy Russell utilize emotional gadgets to show the adjustment in character and relationship in Rita and Frank. In this paper I will investigate the sensational gadgets Willy Russell uses to show the adjustments in characters and the improvement seeing someone. One of the sensational gadgets is the phone. The phone shows to me that Frank is the kind of individual who never truly mingles and just thinks about himself and his consistently in his own reality. â€Å"The phone rings and frightens him,.†This stage course underpins my point on the grounds that the word â€Å"startles†infers that he is stunned about the call as though nobody ever calls him, the word â€Å"startles†, additionally infers that he isn't concentrating on what is happening around him and what he is doing and he enjoys his beverage. The initial introduction I get of Frank is that he is touchy in light of the fact that he is in every case wildly looking for something in his cabinet, and he is continually saying irregular letters and names, â€Å"E,Ec,E.†I additionally got the feeling that Frank isn't generally keen on his activity working at the college likewise I got the feeling that Frank has for the longest time been itching to accomplish some different option from educating, in the film Frank is in a totally unique world when his is in a talk also that Frank doesn’t truly appear that keen on showing the understudies by any means. Another emotional gadget Willy Russell utilizes is the entryway, the entryway in Frank’s study resembles a boundary among him and his understudies, â€Å"I’m comin’ in, aren’t I? You wanna get that bleedin’ handle fixed.†This backings my point in light of the fact that the way that Frank isn't in the slight piece intrigued to fix the entryway and he realizes the entryway can't open effectively gives me that he is purposely attempting to keep out his understudies and his collaborators , this likewise gives me that he has a ton to stow away in light of the fact that he is continually in his investigation. The entryway extends the feelings of Rita before she opens the entryway, â€Å"there’s another thump on the door.†This recommends Rita is anxious and she needs to complete her meeting over and. I think Rita would be anxious in light of the fact that she is venturing into a reality where she doesn’t fit in and where she stands apart from different understudies since she originates from a lower class, likewise I feel that Rita is apprehensive in light of the fact that she is splitting ceaselessly from the conventional job expected of lower class ladies in the 1970’s. â€Å"I’m I should’ve had a child at this point. Everybody expects it.†The early introduction I got from Rita is she’s a lower class lady who is taking a stab at something new for the first and would most likely surrender sooner or later, â€Å"Because I may choose to pack it in.†During Act 1 Scene 1 Rita shows that she is truly resolved to turn into an understudy and instruct herself. â€Å"It’s not unexpected. I’ve been acknowledging for a very long time that I’m out of step.†The connection among Frank and Rita has been solid since the start since Frank saw something special in Rita that his different understudies don’t have, â€Å"You’re the primary much needed refresher that’s been in this space for years.†This statement shows the quality of connection among Frank and Rita in light of the fact that previous he was looking at tossing his understudies out of his investigation window, Frank doesn’t truly communicate with his understudies in the manner he does with Rita. I imagine that Frank feels that Rita is depicting the existence he couldn't imagine anything better than to have away from irritating understudies who investigation everything. Willy Russell utilizes the window as another emotional gadget , I imagine that the window is noteworthy on the grounds that it shows an association among Frank and the outside world, the window shows changes in Rita when she returns from summer school , in the film when Frank was watching out of the window he recognizes Rita plunking down on the seat and approaches her indicating the breaking of the obstruction though before he would have been totally unaware of what is happening around him. Prior in the play the breaking of the obstruction by Frank was suttle, â€Å"you’re the primary much needed refresher that’s been in this space for years.†This shows the breaking of the hindrance of the two classes since it shows that they can get along. The change in Rita is appeared by the window after summer school on the grounds that in the start of the film , Rita concealed away from the understudies and she looked down onto the understudies on the grass when she was in Franks study , But when she returned Rita blends in with the understudies and pushes Frank to go out a sit on the grass with them. â€Å"lets go out there. On the grass.†This shows she’s breaking out and about and she’s blending in with the white collar class and she isn't standing apart any longer. During the time Rita was at summer school, I think she changed strikingly in her insight and the language she utilized. â€Å"Blake, William Blake.†This statement underpins my point in light of the fact that toward the starting she would have alluded the artist to an individual in the lower class that forthright has never known about yet now she is dissecting and right away naming artists off by heart in light of the fact that toward the finish of Act 2 Scene1 she recounted one of William Blake’s sonnet â€Å"The Songs Of Innocence.†The Dramatic gadgets Willy Russell utilizes shows a ton of feeling among Frank and Rita , on the grounds that Frank is a picture Rita might want to have information insightful and the other way around , like the window indicated a great deal of changes so did the entryway. The initial introduction I get of Rita’s and Franks relationship is an understudy and educator relationship, however as the play advances their relationship transforms into an increasingly close to home one. The play of Educating Rita was mostly founded on Willy Russell’s life and the progressions he needed to experience , I feel that the sensational gadgets Willy Russell utilizes are fruitful in demonstrating the adjustments in relationship and life of Rita and Frank.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What Makes Art Art Essay Example for Free
What Makes Art Essay What makes Art? Would art be able to be de? ned? An ar? st can make anything and put their blemish on it and regard it as craftsmanship. I accept craftsmanship to be a figure, torment? ng, or any bit of crea? ve work that carries satisfaction to the ar? st and an apprecia? on from the spectator. Craftsmanship permits you to see the world through somebody else’s eyes and acquire their perspec? ve regarding the current matter. Craftsmanship is wherever around us. It is communicated in numerous structures and molds. From railroad vehicle gra? , a conventional piece in an exhibition hall, a stand-out bit of adornments or originator design apparel, it is all types of workmanship. Craftsmanship can draw out a variety of emotions in individuals. A few bits of craftsmanship delineate joy or spotlight on excellence, which would thusly bring out happy emotions. Workmanship can likewise show pictures or titles that are not as wonderful to engage at ?mes which can permit us to be constrained to a sentiment of bitterness. Workmanship can be a therapeu? c approach to manage emotional? ons. Au? s? c youngsters and individuals managing catastrophes can o(en communicate and manage emotional? ons through workmanship. I truly appreciate torment? ng old furnishings and giving it another look, another life. It will in general advise me that everything in life can be reestablished and made playmate? ful again with some work and determina? on. No ma*er what the conditions or situa? on it can generally be made into something lover? ful. Workmanship appears to consistently recount to a story despite the fact that words are rarely verbally expressed. My idea of workmanship is torment? ngs, models, drawings, or anything that is made or changed on account of the ar? st. I for one will in general appreciate torment? ngs that are of scenes and nature. I generally appear to explore to the torment? ngs, particularly oil, that help me to remember ? mes during my youth. Torment? ngs of a field with an animal dwellingplace and moving slopes or a granddad ? shing with a youngster on the banks of a lake, returns me to a â€Å"happy place†in my life. I really then feel like I am understanding what the ar? st is significance to portray. Swamp Farm by Darko Topalski is a straightforward yet amazing torment? ng to me as it helps me to remember a farmhouse that used to sit on a slope over the ? eld from my youth home. I ? nd hues to be in0uen? al in bringing out emotional? ons while watching a bit of workmanship. I appreciate craftsmanship that has warm, quieted hues as a vibe that give that sentiment of quietness. I think torment? ngs with warm or energetic hues will in general portray an a lot more joyful and substance scene. The substance is substantially more imperative to me than the formal quali? es. Indeed, I like the sentiment of having the option to interface with the ar? st and feel like he really painted the image glancing through my eyes. I think for certain individuals the formal quali? es would be increasingly significant. That’s the magnificence of craftsmanship, everybody has their own percep? on of a similar piece. Craftsmanship as I would see it is whatever we see and get pleasure. It additionally urges us to value the ability of the ar? st. Craftsmanship brings out emotional? ons as we decipher the story and proclamation the ar? st is attempting to pass on.
Friday, August 21, 2020
10 Simple Effective Ways To Improve Your Writing
10 Simple Effective Ways To Improve Your Writing Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now! 10 Simple Effective Ways To Improve Your Writing Updated On 23/04/2017 Author : Ujjwal Prazapati Topic : Blogging Short URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlog We all are aware of the phrase “Practice makes a man perfectâ€. So it’s obvious from this phrase that your writing quality will increase with time and experience. Do you want to improve it at the earliest? In fact it is impossible to ameliorate your writing in a single day unless you work very hard under an expert but if you follow these points then I can assure you that it will help you a lot in the improvement of your writing at much faster pace. 1. Pre-process before actual start This is the most crucial and essential step on which I always insist and one should have to keep this on mind everytime. Before starting whatever you intend to write, first concentrate and stress your mind on what all you have to mention in the article i.e., think before you start. You need to make an outline of the whole article by constant thinking and quick search and then on the basis of the outlines enhance your thoughts and start your writing composition. 2. Play with numbers First let me ask you a question that which of the following headings are more appealing: Amazing ways for how to write an article in few minutes. 10 Amazing Ways for how to write an article in 30 minutes. Ways for How to write an amazing article in very less time. I am sure that many of you have got the point. Yes, of course, the second one attracts more than the rest two and in fact it’s the part of human tendency that numbers attract a lot. Among all the numbers, there are some which attracts much more than others like 3, 7, 10 etc. In fact 3 is the most appealing number, you can also think of it as a magic number. So, from now onwards try to use numbers as much as you can especially in the heading of the post or writing. 3. Be clear and concise It must have gone through your ears many times that be clear and concise. Everyone just hate long and complex articles and those which are short and precise are always praised and are read by people more frequently as compared to the long and complex articles. Even you must have done this many times, that you had ignored reading an article or notice or any piece of text whose size is huge and is not straight forward. So the main point to remember is that if you don’t want your articles to be read once in a blue moon then start following the concept of writing in clear and concise manner. You should follow using short words, bullet points, eliminate junk words and talk straight to the point. 4. Write first Edit later Do you also face the problem of How to start? Do some of your thoughts slips out of your mind and do not have enough fate to get mentioned in your writing just because you forgot it as you were busy in improving the penning of the previous thought? Many times we face such problems which acts a serious drawback for the content of our article or writing. So always keep in mind to pen down all your points and thoughts at fast pace without thinking much about vocabulary and grammar. After you have finished, just proofread your writing and improve it to the best of your capabilities. 5. Don’t waste the reader’s time Benjamin Franklin said, “Lost time is never found again†We all know that time is the most significant thing in one’s life. Money, if wasted can return but time can’t. So why to waste the reader’s time? Hence, do keep it in mind that always write an article which is straight forward so that reader will get the answer of his query as soon as possible. Try to solve the reader’s problem at the earliest. .IRPP_button , .IRPP_button .postImageUrl , .IRPP_button .centered-text-area { min-height: 86px; position: relative; } .IRPP_button , .IRPP_button:hover , .IRPP_button:visited , .IRPP_button:active { border:0!important; } .IRPP_button { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #3498DB; } .IRPP_button:active , .IRPP_button:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .IRPP_button .postImageUrl { background-position: center; background-size: cover; float: right; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 30%; } .IRPP_button .centered-text-area { float: left; width: 70%; padding:0; margin:0; } .IRPP_button .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: inherit; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: .125em; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .IRPP_button .postTitle { color: #ECF0F1; font-size: 16px; fon t-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .IRPP_button .ctaButton { background: #ECF0F1; color: inherit; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; margin: 18px 14px 18px 14px; moz-border-radius: 3px; padding: 12px 0; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; webkit-border-radius: 3px; width: 80px; position: absolute; } .IRPP_button:hover .ctaButton { background: #e6e6e6; } .IRPP_button .centered-text { display: table; height: 86px; padding:0; margin:0; padding-left: 108px!important; top: 0; } .IRPP_button .IRPP_button-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 10px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .IRPP_button:after { content: "; display: block; clear: both; } READ3 Simple Ways To Generate Traffic From Old Blog Posts6. Read it aloud You need to proofread what you have written after finishing your composition. The best way is to read it aloud and your mistakes will automatically come into your observation. This is because when any mistake will come, you on your own will realize that something is awkward. It seems to be silly but believe me it is beneficial. So start trying out this activity from now onwards. 7. Don’t get away from the topic Sometimes people write out of the topic, just to increase the size of their post or article. But is it beneficial for the readers? Instead of getting the problem solved and reading of their interest, the readers just roams around the world of words which is of no use. So to write the content according to the topic is also one of the main requirements of good writing. Here the outlines which you have written before is of great use too. 8. Double check your facts Always take care of this thing i.e. to double check your fact because it’s obvious that anything wrong written will have a negative impact on the reader’s mind and it’s advisable to try every possible trick to impress the audience. So always take care of writing correct facts and never provide them with anything which is wrong or for which you are not sure of. 9. Reader’s interest is most important Everything should be in a flow and nicely written in order to attract more and more readers to visit your article. In order to write a good post or article, you need to take care of maintaining it to a great extent. You need to analyze the vocabulary level and the understanding level of the type of readers in such a way so that they will never lose interest from it. So always take care in mind to respect the reader’s grasping, understanding power and most important is his interest and write according to it. Do take care of the fact that he will only read the next statement if the previous one is worth interesting or enjoying. 10. Take care of readers vocabulary Lastly I would like to notify you that most of the audience don’t have a good vocabulary and good English communication skills. So, they will definitely feel the article reading hectic if typical and out of the common form words are used. Hence, also take care in mind to use simple language and not to show off by using your proficient vocabulary and command on the language. At last Why basically are we reading this? We need to know this because writing comes under one of the way to communicate. So if you increase your writing skills then Of course your communication skill will definitely increase. This article is written by Ujjwal Prazapati. He is passionate about blogging. He blogs at BlogginGo. If you wish to write for HBB, kindly check this.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Impact Of Immigration On The New Country - 1280 Words
III. Literature Review Amongst current events, immigration is one of the hotly debated topics of today. It’s will be a determining factor in the current U.S. presidential race. Hispanic/Latino immigrants are one of the fastest growing demographics in our populations and consideration of political value due to their impact on and to the economy. Their ethnicity makes them the subject of random criticism and plays a role in how well they assimilate into the US. How they are perceived and treated while trying to build a new life with dreams, like many Americans, of a better life, will also play a crucial role in how they adapt to their new surroundings. Assimilating into a country you know nothing about and where you may not have family or support is challenging for anyone. This article discusses how when viewed by the people in the new country see you may be the determining factor in ease or difficulty of the assimilation process. How you see yourself in comparison to others in the new country may also impact how you feel about yourself and your culture whether it is a positive or negative. â€Å"For many of us, the label, whether Latino/Latina or Hispanic, takes away our nationality and symbolizes a loss of identity.†(McGoldrick, Giordano, Garcia-Preto, 2005) How Latinos identify themselves is easier question posed then answered. â€Å"The U.S. government, as well as psychological researchers, often required individuals to select from a confusing set of options that defineShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Immigration On The Host Economy1502 Words  | 7 Pagesthis literature review is to provide an overview of the vario us effects of immigration on the host economy. The consequences I will be focusing on are on employment, inflation, wage level, economic growth and the welfare system. I am also going to examine what effect the skill level of immigrants has on the economic development of the host country. 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Introduction The United States has always been considered a country of immigrants;Read MoreThe Pros and Cons of Immigration in Buenos Aires Essay example984 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom neighboring countries, primarily from Bolivia and Paraguay. The indigenous people of Buenos Aires have a half-humorous nickname - Porteno . Population of the capital and its suburbs is growing rapidly, including through immigration and guest workers from Bolivia , Paraguay , Peru and other neighboring countries. The city is very multicultural, but the main separation occurs along class communities and not on racial lines , as in the U.S. Evidences on the impact of immigration on the labor marketRead MoreThe Benefits of Immigrants in the United States Essay1027 Words  | 5 Pagescoming over to the country within the 2000s. In recent studies, there are about 11.5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The undocumented immigrant population has grown 27% between 2000 to 2009. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Factors That Affect Job Selection - 5229 Words
Table of Contents Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Gaming Industry in Macau 3 Career choice 4 Hypothesis 6 Salaries 6 Friends/relatives in casino industry 7 Working experience in casino 8 Methodology 10 A. Respondents 10 B. Procedures 10 C. Measurements 10 Results/ Data analysis 12 Descriptive statistics 12 Hypotheses Testing 13 Discussion 15 Management Implications 17 Conclusion 19 Limitations 20 References 21 Appendix 23 Introduction As everyone knows, Macau is a place which economy relies on tourism and gaming industry; in recent year, the economy of Macau is developing dramatically, the main factor makes the economic growth in Macau is the liberalization of gaming industry. Because of the†¦show more content†¦(DSEC, 2007) Career choice One of our biggest decisions in life is choosing a career. The importance of this decision is enormous. It may determine whether we are employed or unemployed, financially secure or insecure, happy or unhappy (Weiten Lloyd, 2006). They also stated that career choice involves a series of complex decisions and this process will continue throughout our lift. From the above paragraph we can see the importance of choosing career, which is especially true for fresh graduates. Meanwhile, Hannah Robinson (1990) find that over 50% of college freshmen in the United States seek professional advice in choosing a career; given the growing demand for career counseling among college students, Lee (2005) suggests that preparation and decision making stages involved in career decisions are becoming increasingly stressful and confusing. Therefore, it is important to choose an occupation that is compatible with one’s personality. (Swanson D’Achiardi, 2005). Model of Career choice and development Psychologists have long been interested in understanding how individuals make career choices and how their careers evolve over time (Weiten Lloyd, 2006). Theorists have developed two influential models for these issues, they are Holland’s Trait Measurement and Matching Model and Super’s Development Model. In Holland’s model, people can be classified into sixShow MoreRelatedResourcing Talent1241 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstand the factors that impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning activities. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. They will be able to make a positive contribution to the recruitment and selection process by developing their knowledge and skills in defining and writing job descriptionsRead More3RTO Activity 1 Essay921 Words  | 4 Pagesidentifies and assess factors that affect an organisations approach to both attracting talent and recruitment and selection. 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The report will contain an analysis of the current about market trends, an evaluation impact of external factors influencing work and career patterns, the analysis of advertising, recruitment and selection methods and the analysis of relevant professional standards and competences for both, the United Kingdom and Brunei Darussalam. 1. The current labour market trends 1.1 United Kingdom According to aRead MoreThe Human Resource Manager For A Prestigious Cable Company1636 Words  | 7 Pagesthe facility’s opening (Belhaven University, 2016). I have been personally tasked with determination factors of building the structure of the future project. Those tasks are comprised of establishing which location would be best fit for the company, the development of a customer service representative job description, development of a recruitment program for the position, and determining the selection process, training program, and pay structure for the position (Belhaven University, 2016). ConclusivelyRead MoreCipd 3 Rto1050 Words  | 5 PagesResourcing Talent RTO 3. Activity 1 Produce a report of approximately 750 words, in which you identify and assess 4 factors that affect an organisation’s approach to both attracting talent and recruitment and selection. Identify and explain 3 organisational benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. Describe 3 methods of recruitment and 3 methods of selection. 1.1 Explain the organisational benefits of a diverse workforce. Publisher Malcolm Forbes once said that diversityRead MoreTalent Planning1505 Words  | 7 Pagesand long-term ambitions of the organisations strategy†. This article aims to explore, identity and explain factors that can affect an organisation’s approach to attracting talent, retaining a diverse workforce, recruitment, selection policies, the purpose, benefits of an effective induction for both individuals and organisations. 1. Identifies and assesses four factors (things) that affect an organisation’s approach to attracting talent: Demand and Supply: The demand and supply of talent inRead More3RTO Web770 Words  | 4 Pageseconomic environment. Ensuring that the organisation has the right resource, capability and talent to achieve immediate and strategic ambitions now and in the future is the main goal of resourcing and talent planing. There are many different factors that affect an organisations approach to attracting talent: unemployment diversity skill shortages demographics work life balance For example, for a larger organisation it would be much easier to find and attract the potential candidate as they wouldRead MoreAttracting Talent and Recruitment, CIPD1149 Words  | 5 Pagesfor attracting talent and recruitment of a new HR Officer. In order to ensure that there is a structured induction programme and handover period, it is recommended that the recruitment process be set in motion in the near future. Four Factors that will affect our talent planning Budget Forecasting The amount of work that will be coming in i:e seasonal work for retailers A company constantly should be forecasting to help prepare for changes in the marketplace. Forecasting sales revenues, materialsRead MoreResourcing and Talent Planning1003 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstand the factors which impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning policy. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. They will be able to make a positive contribution to the recruitment and selection process by developing their knowledge and skills in defining and writing job descriptions
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Auditor Independence Principles and Applications †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Auditor Independence Principles and Applications. Answer: Introduction: A host of business risks are present with regards to the insurance business and are outlined below (Gay Simnett, 2012). Market Risk Considering that the value of the portfolio tends to fluctuate as the asset prices change in the real time, thus there is the risk of suffering downfall due to crash of asset markets particularly stock markets. Operational Risk There could be potential human errors which could lead to loss being incurred by the company. Credit Risk There is a risk of default with regards to the various debt instruments. Underwriting Risk Considering the nature of business, if the insurer does not take the requisite prudential norms into picture, then this risk could be potentially huge. Considering that the above risks are present in the insurance business, it is easy to conclude that the business is highly risky and profitability in this business is dependent on the risk management related norms that are adhered by the given entity. It is quite surprising that despite being exposed to the above mentioned risks, the company has chosen the reinsurance model which is not a recommended manner to managing risk in the insurance business. HIH instead of reducing the inherent risk enhanced the same by venturing into insurance segments which only seasoned companies with highly effective risk management practices tend to enter. To further worsen the situation, HIH in order to expand business indulged in carrying out reckless acquisition that were destructive to the shareholder value as is apparent from the FAI insurance acquisition. Further, the internal processes of the company with regards to controlling risk were either dysfunctional or non-existent. On the basis of the a bove description, it may be concluded that the company is extremely risky. The key factors impacting the risk that exists inherently for HIH Insurance are outlined in the discussion below (Arens et.. al., 2013).. Despite being part of a very risky business where prudent risk management needs to be practiced in order to conduct the business, the company chose reinsurance model while ignoring the prudential risk norms which the leaders in the industry were following and was comparatively less risky. HIH Insurance went ahead and acquired FAI insurance at a premium price which was not justified but the process lacked appropriate due diligence and thereby made the company more vulnerable. Overall risk for the business enhanced when the ex-external auditor partners were represented on the board as the underlying independence was compromised in a bid to ensure that there is no change in the faulty business practices. The business risk enhanced on account of a quid pro quo relationship with the external auditor which never reported these faulty practices while never bringing to light the immense business risk due to imprudent management of the same by the same. There was acquisition of stake in certain companies with business relations with rivals which led to compromised business interests as there was potent and realistic risk of key business secrets and other competitive information being passed on. A relevant case worth highlighting in the defence of the auditors is Equitable Life Assurance Society v Hyman [2000] UKHL The case involved an insurance company which floated a particular insurance policy and provided customers with the choice of either desiring fixed returns or market linked returns based on the individual preference since the premium charged was same for each of the two options. The directors had the requisite discretion to alter returns and acted by lowering the return for fixed option so as to create parity with the market linked version especially when the market linked version underperformed the fixed rate version. Since the interests of the takers of fixed return version was adversely impacted as a result of the discretion, hence these aggrieved policyholders filed the case in court and the court held that the partnership directors would be considered liable for the losses of the aggrieved fixed policyholders (Swarb, 2015). A relevant case which may be cited as a defence of auditors in the event of liabilities originating from the creditors would be Raskov vs. Stapke Harris [2010] CA2/7. This case highlighted the fact that if legal determination can take place or is feasible, then the partnership would hold and endorse a particular view. The end result of this legal determination is that the underlying liability of outstanding creditors rests on the partnership along with the respective partners, thus ensuring that there is no need to pay by the auditor (Notforlaw, nd). The objective is to prove negligence tort which is contingent on satisfaction of mainly three conditions. The first one in this regard relates to duty of care arising on behalf of the defendant directed towards the plaintiff due to the categorisation of the plaintiff as a neighbour of defendant thus establishing that action/inaction by the defendant could cause damage for the plaintiff. In the existence of this duty, the defendant requires taking relevant measures for protection of plaintiff interest by ensuring that no damage is suffered by the same (Pendleton Vickery, 2005). The care extended by the defendant for the plaintiff would be contingent on the level of risk and also the nature of potential damage that can be caused. If in a given circumstance, the defendant fails to take the requisite measures which a reasonable person would have taken in the situation at hand, then there has been a breach of duty (Lindgren, 2011). Even though there has been breach of the duty to care, but unless there are damages suffered by the plaintiff, negligence cannot be claimed. Even though the damage covered is quite wide within the aegis of this tor but it needs to proved that a causal existence occurs between the damage and duty breach. For conclusively proving the same, it requires to be ascertained i the prevention of damage would have been possible through non-breach of duty to case. In case the answer is affirmative to the causal link, then the negligence tort is established. However, if the causal link cannot be established, then defendant not responsible even though the duty breach would have still occurred (Harvey, 2009). The appointment of the previous external audit partners to the board cannot be justified on any valid grounds. The only plausible explanation is the existence of a mutually beneficial relationship between the top management and the auditors where the investors and other stakeholders would end as the loser. During the time when the auditor partners were providing audit services, HIH insurance provided them with consulting contracts for the cooperation extended to the company during audit where an unqualified certificate was given despite glaring deficiencies and high risk where were never reported. There is no other possible explanation in this regard because acting as both the consultant and the auditor, the inherent business risk and the faulty internal policies to manage the same would have been the primary observation. The directors wish to continue the profitable relationship by appointing these members to the board so that the various incorrect practices could continue and there was no pressure to mend ways even though the company was staring at a certain failure (Arens et. al., 2013). In order to work as a consultant, the first essential process is to understand the business model coupled with the underlying risks which is quite helpful for conducting audit as we since there is enhancement in the understanding of business risks. Based on the underlying risk involved in the business, the audit plan and tests can be accordingly planned which would enable the auditor to meet the goal of minimising the overall audit risk (Gay Simnett, 2012). Better quality of consulting services extended to client Working in the capacity of a auditor, the concerned individual would have a superior understanding of the weak aspects of the company which need to be strengthened especially where the inherent business risk is high. Further, since the overall business model is well understood, hence the consultant can offer pragmatic suggestions which are implementable for the client while being effective (Arens et. al., 2013). Hence, it makes sense that despite the concerns regarding the abuse of the same, it can also yield positive returns for all stakeholders involved. Safeguarding the independence of the auditor should be a key priority for the professional as with the proliferation of the services provided by the auditor, the risk of independence being compromised is on the rise. The relevant law does not forbid the auditing firms to offer other business services to the same client but it is essential that in wake of the falling standards, the auditor on their own must stop engaging in this practice (Livne, 2015). A prime example of the compromised independence is apparent from the unfolding of the incidents tht transpired in the HIH case on account of the comprised independence of auditors which led to a scam of this magnitude. Thus, in view of the potential dangers to perceived and actual independence, it is essential that auditors take requisite measures to safeguard integrity of the profession (Kaplan Williams, 2013). The main objective behind implementing the guidelines indicated by CLERP 9 is to being about improvement in the framework related to corporate governance so that shareholders interest must be safeguarded. Major provisions are mentioned below (Clout, Chappelle Gandhi, 2013). Extra disclosures including remuneration report along with directors report must be included in the annual report of the company. The auditor has to mandatorily rotate after a tenure of particular duration which would ensure lack of formation of mutually beneficial relations with management. As the focus on corporate governance would increase, the investors would be more confident considering the underlying transparency and disclosures would rise under a sound framework (Arens et. al., 2013). Ramsay report primarily focused on the issue of auditor independence and provided certain recommendations to improve the same (Parker, 2002). The rise in the scope of work an underlying mandate of internal audit committee Adequate gaps must exist in the form of measures to avoid any relationship which may threaten the interests of users including shareholders Declaration to be furnished by auditor in the annual report regarding his/ own independence along with a declaration for the independence of board must also be included. The objectives that is expected to be served by Ramsay report is an increase in the auditor independence and an enhanced understand of the potential measures that be undertaken to safeguard the interests of the shareholders especially minority (Gay Simnett, 2012) References Arens, A., Best, P., Shailer, G. and Fiedler,I. 2013. Auditing, Assurance Services and Ethics in Australia, 2ndedn., Sydney: Pearson Australia Clout, V, Chappelle, E and Gandhi, N 2013, The impact of auditor independence regulations on established and emerging firms,Accounting Research JournalVol. 26, No. 2, pp. 88-108 Fearnotlaw nd, Raskov vs. Stapke Harris, Available online from [Accessed May 9, 2017] Gay, G. and Simnett, R. 2012, Auditing and Assurance Services in Australia, 5thedn., Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education Harvey, C. 2009, Foundations of Australian law. 3rd eds., Prahran: Tilde University Press Kaplan, S. and Williams, D 2013, Do going concern audit reports protect auditors from litigation?A simultaneous equations approach.The Accounting Review, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 199-232. Lindgren, KE 2011,Vermeesch and Lindgren's Business Law of Australia, 12th eds., Sydney: LexisNexis Publications Livne, G 2015, Threats to Auditor Independence and Possible Remedies, Finance Practitioner Website, Available online from [Accessed May 9, 2017] Parker, C 2002. Auditing at arms length, CA Charter, February, pp. 38-40 Pendleton, W Vickery, N 2005.Australian business law: principles and applications, 5th eds., Sydney: Pearson Publications Swarb 2015, EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY V HYMAN; HL 20 JUL 2000, Available online from [Accessed May 9, 2017]
Friday, April 10, 2020
A bad hair day Essays
A bad hair day Essays A bad hair day Paper A bad hair day Paper A bad hair day I can never forget how my mom embarrassed me when I was in fourth grade. My mom had Just finished her training from beauty school and wanted to practice on giving haircuts. One day after school I had no choice but became the first of hers. She said my hair was too long to take care of and she had to cut my hair today because she was tired of seeing my hair everywhere in the house. I agreed with her and decided it was time to let go of my pony tail. She grabbed a chair from the dining room and laid out all the professional tools she bought from beauty school. As soon as I sat down on the chair she quickly pinned a shiny black cape at my neck and picked up a comb and a spray bottle. l learned how to do the famous Audrey Hepburn pixie crop in Roman holiday, She said while combing through my hair and spraying cold water on it. The next thing I noticed was she took a huge chunk of hair on my left side and sniped off right above my ear. No! I dont want my hair too short! I Jerked my head to the right side and screamed. Stop moving or I will cut your ear! She yelled at me and centered my head back again. Due to the strict Asian parenting, rebellion would get me in trouble. So I kept quiet and had my arms crossed under the cape while she continued cutting away at my hair. I peered over as she put down the scissors and asked anxiously: Can I see it? Not yet. She replied and picked up an electric clipper, Its a little uneven in the back, but Im goanna fix it. She titled my head down with force and started to shave around my ear towards my nape. I had a terrible feeling this was going to be a disaster but out of respect I didnt say anything. And my thought was confirmed when I saw my reflection in the mirror: I didnt know what Audrey Hepburn pixie crop looks like but I looked like a boy wearing a coconut helmet. My bangs were more than an inch above my eyebrows! I reached up to feel the back of my head and I quivered at the feel of short thorny hair. l look like a boy! I cant go to school like this! I broke down into tears. Bullwhip, Just wear a dress tomorrow, moms face turned a little red and scolded at me, Stop being ridiculous. I went to school the next day in a white dots red summer dress that my mom made me wear. On my way to school, every step I took I felt extremely self unconscious. I kept my head down as I walked into the classroom and hoped no one was looking. But the stupid dress put me under the spot light and immediately all of my classmates broke out laughing. I overheard some guy from my class said why a boy is wearing a girls dress. I was so embarrassed and I wanted to disappear. I really hoped I didnt wear that dress. The haircut was bad enough and dress made it worse! I dont remember how did I get through the day, but all I remember was I didnt wear any dresses for a long time after that and I never let my mom cut my hair again.
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